Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Hammond's Breaking", Hammond's Beach, Montecito

"Hammond's Breaking"
20 x 30 inches
oil on canvas

This must have been one of the best days at Hammond's beach. This was last Thursday at around 11am. 75 degrees, light breeze and wave after wave after wave. Perfect for surfing and painting. I didn't finish that morning so I was forced to come back, boo hoo, the next day to finish it. The waves where not nearly as good and the ocean was all chopped up by the wind. But I had seen so many waves the day before I was able to recreate that spirit of the morning before... which is always hard.


  1. There are so many visually appealing gems throughout this piece. I think this may be my favorite. The greens of the rolling landscape,waves, and illusion that it's the land that's moving and carrying me out to meet the mountains.
    Great work.

  2. Thank you so much for compliment and am happy I can bring you something more then reality.

  3. Did you go surfing??? Is that why you didn't finish??? It sure would have been the perfect excuse... Let's see... surfing? plein air painting??? Hmmmmmm.

  4. So beautiful, I want to be there! Nice meeting you last night. What a wonderful surprise to find you painting on the street! Did you ever get a photo of your SBIFF painting? :)

  5. No, I don't surf, but on days like that I wish I did. Painting is my priority now but eventually I will lug a board and an easel to the beach everyday. I need a donkey or a Sherpa to help me...


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