"Veneco Sunset"
6 x 12 inches
oil on canvas
The Carpinteria Seal Preserve and bluffs has got to be one of the best places to paint in the area. You begin with a nice bluff with fields, trees and flowers. Then you mosey on down towards the coast and you come to a foot path shaded by Eucalyptus trees. That path runs along the railroad tracks that go right along the cliff edge in this area and snake their way down the coast towards Rincon. These are also some of the tallest coastal cliffs around so you can paint those too. I haven't painted here since when I was first learning plein air painting 6 years ago. I must have painted this point a dozen times... this piece below I sold some time ago, but gives you an idea of how cool this spot is. Can you tell what I left out of the painting?
Love this one as well...love the cool tones and the curve..your trees are the best!