Friday, January 29, 2010

Goleta Beach looking South, Santa Barbara Daily Painting

"The Goleta Slough"
12 x 24 inches
oil on canvas

This will be the last painting I will make before the big show on Sunday. I actually went out there with an adult ed class. By being with other people trying to paint the same subject, you realize how different people see. I have a firm belief that everyone is an artist and each has their own unique way of seeing and expressing. The trick is to unlock the individual from convention and stereotypes. Maybe thats why we find children's drawings so fascinating. Speaking of, my son and daughter will have a few pieces in the show. I just hope they won't upstage me too much... lol.


  1. Beautiful. I love your water reflections in the sand - that is challenging! Congrats on taking the leap out of the cubicle!

  2. Great memories...wish I could have them all!!! Thank you Chris for taking me down a trip with memory lane!!!


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